SPU Merit Scholarship

SPU provides merit scholarships to first-year students based on a holistic review of students' academic performance and application.

SPU Merit 奖学金 range from $10,000 to $18,000. The SPU Merit Scholarship is not awarded to students receiving the In-State Matching Scholarship or the 信仰 For the Future Scholarship.

SPU Merit 奖学金

  • Maximum timeframe: four years
  • Eligibility criteria: 2.00 cumulative GPA

Eligible students are qualified to receive the SPU Merit Scholarship in addition to any scholarships, federal/state aid or loans received from outside sources, or through filing the FAFSA.


呼叫 206-281-2021 or 800-366-3344 或电子邮件 admissions@paulandoates.com