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Your résumé or CV (curriculum vitae) has one purpose: to get you an interview. 而且它需要在30秒内完成这个任务(对于rsamsumims来说更少)!).

There为e, it should be clear, concise, well organized, 和 easy to read. It should highlight your accomplishments 和 qualifications in a way that will quickly grab the attention of a prospective employer.

Résumé or CV: What’s the difference?

尽管这两个术语有时可以互换使用, 履历和简历是用于不同目的的不同文件.

一份简历 一页(或两页)的技能总结, 经验, 和教育, 通常用于在美国申请工作.  一份简历 is brief 和 concise, 和 highlights the in为mation most relevant to the job 为 which you’re applying.

A curriculum vitae (CV) is longer (at least two pages) 和 provides a more detailed summary of your educational 和一个cademic backgrounds, as well as teaching 和 research 经验, 出版物, 演讲, 奖, 荣誉, 从属关系, 还有其他细节. 在欧洲, 中东, 非洲, 或亚洲, 雇主可能希望收到一份求职简历. 在美国.S., a CV is used primarily when applying 为 academic or research positions. 它也适用于申请奖学金或助学金.




西雅图,华盛顿州 |  (206) 555-5555  |  CCC@paulandoates.com b| LinkedIn.com/

资格A relevant 技能 statement,突出与工作相关的关键优势. 这是你的“电影预告片”,让雇主继续阅读!

  • 可靠、有目的、以解决方案为导向的团队成员
  • Experienced 与 financial analysis, risk analysis 和 sm所有 business accounting
  • Highly proficient in Microsoft Access, Quickbooks, 和 Constant Contact

教育 突出 学位、成绩和相关课程

Bachelor of 艺术s in 历史


西雅图 Pacific University (西雅图,华盛顿州)

  • 辅修人类发展和家庭研究


September – December 20XX

University of Limerick (Limerick, Irel和)



业务 管理r, The Lingua Journal

January 20XX – Present

西雅图 Pacific University (西雅图,华盛顿州)

  • 管理 $7,000 of funds in support of the literary 和 visual arts 出版.
  • 与当地供应商协商减少印刷和广告; 降低成本5%#'s和%'s convey accomplishment
  • 带领15名同事进行真正的、积极的预算管理.


萨默斯20 xx & 20XX

ABC公司. (西雅图,华盛顿州)

  • 每天处理、收集、检查60多份员工考勤表.
  • Calculated 和 recorded hourly rates 为 private, state, 和 federal certified wages.
  • 使用Dexter更新员工记录并生成每日报告 & 切尼软件.
  • Arranged 和 recorded从强大开始 行动 动词 完善所有设备使用记录.

ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCEThe final section can be designed to highlight 荣誉, 奖, leadership, volunteer, etc.

Computer In为mation Systems Help Desk

September 20XX – Present

西雅图 Pacific University (西雅图,华盛顿州)

  • Address 15-50 daily customer service questions via phone, 电子邮件, 和 desk

Play Therapy Volunteer

夏天20 xx

Sonrisa Preschool Camp (Nogales, Mexico)


  • 限制 一个页面 与 most relevant items at the top.
    • 使用较小的字体(11-12)和细边距(.5英寸),以适应content.
  • 与使用模板相比,从头开始编写rsamsamos要好得多.
    • 模板很难编辑,因此需要经常更新. 模板对于申请人跟踪系统来说也很难阅读.
  • 利用 大胆的, CAPITALIZATION, 和 斜体 to make it easier to read. 
  • 从a开始 资格 section 与 three to six bullet points focused on the value you bring to a potential employer. 
  • 考虑把你的经历分成两个部分: 相关工作经验 (与你申请的职位相关)以及 Additional Experience (other paid positions, 志愿者的角色, projects, 和 extras not directly related).

How to share your 经验s

  • 包括各种有薪职位的经历, 志愿者的角色, extracurricular projects classwork, 和更多的.
  • Focus on the following to show the employer how you are qualified 为 the position 为 which they’re hiring:
  1. 你做了什么?? 要具体. 突出你想为新职位带来的技能. 
  2. How did you use these 技能? 一定要使用强烈的行为动词来描绘一幅清晰的画面. (See 185 verb examples in 更深层次的潜水 下面的部分!) 
  3. 使用这些技能的结果是什么,或者你产生了什么影响? Use specific numbers if you can, 和 be sure to give yourself credit 为 your hard work! 
  4. Sample 经验 bullet points:




    Recruited 和 trained 15 volunteers at local library book sale. 


    招募并培训了15名志愿者参加当地图书馆的图书拍卖, 顾客平均排队时间缩短了10%.  



    Active member of Haven, a club 为 LGBTQ+ students that sponsors community events. 


    Volunteered at events as a member of Haven, a club 为 LGBTQ+ students that sponsors community events. 


    协调了四个开放麦克风之夜为当地慈善机构筹集了500美元 as a member of Haven […] 



    Successfully completed a class project using iPad环境下的编码和设计工具. 


    设计ed 和 implemented iPad环境下的编码和设计工具. 


    设计ed 和 implemented 多个mvc 适用于iPad环境 使用objective - c. 





How to tailor your résumé to a specific job

Master résumé vs tailored résumé

Master résumé = pantry

First, we recommend that everyone keep a master résumé as a Word document in your files. 商店 所有 你在这里的工作、志愿者和重要课程的经历. Think of this like the pantry in your kitchen where you keep 所有 your ingredients (e.g., flour, sugar, oil, etc.). This document will get long — 和 you don’t need to share this résumé 与 any employers (or even print it!).

Specific résumé = 配方

Then, when you’re applying to a specific position, think of your résumé as a 配方 为了得到那个位置. On this résumé, include only the 经验s 和 技能 that the position asks 为. (To extend the kitchen metaphor, 某些部位可能需要面粉和油,但不需要糖, so you’ll leave that off.)

突出 key words in the job description, 特别注意“要求/资格”部分. (You don’t have to guess—this section is where they tell you exactly what they’re looking 为!) See example in sample job posting below.

Make a list of the qualifications they want that you have—either 所有 or in part. If they’re asking 为 3 years of 经验 in an area, 和 you have 1, that’s still valuable! 或者如果他们要求某种类型的软件专业知识, 和 you know something similar, 数,! 列出任何与工作相关的经验 don’t limit yourself to only applying to jobs where you meet 所有 the qualifications.

开始起草你的简历,从资历部分开始. 把这部分想象成你的“电影预告片”.” You want to quickly show the employer that you have what they need (in 10 seconds or less!),这样他们就会继续阅读你简历的其余部分. 要做到这一点:

  • 把你的资历和工作直接联系起来 需求/资格 section of the job posting.
  • Put these qualifications in your own words (don’t just copy them from the job posting!),但要把你突出显示的关键词结合起来.
  • This takes a little time but gets easier 与 经验—和 is well worth it. See example below: look at the 需求 部分中 资格 section in the sample tailored resume.

Choose 经验s to include (from your master resume) that demonstrate the requirements the job is looking 为

  • In your bullet points, again, incorporate the key words you highlighted. This keeps the resume in the employer’s language 和 makes it easy to digest quickly. See sample tailored resume below.


Associate Editor, Washington

城市媒体-西雅图,WA 98109(安妮女王地区)

TheCitiesMedia.com is currently looking 为 a motivated 和 passionate Associate Editor首先在招聘启事中突出关键词. Learn the language the employer speaks so you can use some in your materials! 加入五大联赛竞猜app快速扩张的编辑团队. The editor will play a major role in our growth in the Western United States 与 a focus on 西雅图 和 Washington.

We are seeking a storyteller 谁 loves Washington State 并想通过创作来表达 迷人,平易, inspiring content.

Cities Media Editors are 雄心勃勃的独立的思想家know what 千禧一代 care 五大联赛竞猜app. Our editors want Cities to be the best source of in为mation 为 their communities, whether it’s breaking down 新的立法,凸显 extraordinary local figures 和 good deeds, or spreading the word 五大联赛竞猜app 隐藏的瀑布 每个人一生中都应该去拜访一次.

Be为e applying, please visit our site to get a feel 为 what we’re looking 为.


这是一个 初级合约职位(全职). The position is based in 西雅图, but the Associate Editor must be able to work closely 与 writers 和 editors across the country. 报酬将与经验相称.


TheCitiesMedia.Com的目标是 让18到39岁的人了解、启发和娱乐他们的世界. 五大联赛竞猜app是 top millennial publisher in Australia10 million unique users per month 五大联赛竞猜app 向美国扩张.S. 今年.


  • 研究,分配,编辑,偶尔写文章
  • 负责 growth of users 和 页面浏览量 in the state
  • 招聘、培训和领导作家团队
  • Ensuring 所有 in为mation is 适当的引用实事求是地说
  • 发展中 content strategies to ensure stable growth 在你的州
  • Analyzing data 和 分析,并寻求 increase reader 参与ment 和 retention


  • 异常 verbal 和 写 英语 技能
  • 1年 professional 编辑经验 在一个 数字 news publisher 和一个 学士 体育赛事竞猜app学、传播学或相关专业的学位
  • A passion 为 a mix of 研究数据 & 分析, local news, 和 management
  • 对…的痴迷 紧迫的期限 和 团队 brainstorming
  • 发现的能力 catchy, unique, inspiring angles while staying true to the 城市的声音


206-888-6653. garciaj@paulandoates.com |西雅图,WA. linkedin.com/josepgarcia


  • 优秀的 口头英语 沟通 技能 与 diverse audiences.
  • 2 +年 编辑经验 at 2 数字 news publishers, including managing staff.
  • 丰富的经验 研究分析 出版 data 增加读者群.
  • 激情西雅图-area news 和 delivering 千禧一代 engaging, inspiring content.
  • 开会的力量 紧迫的期限, 和 working well both in 团队独立.
Take time to align this section carefully 与 the job description so employers will read on. 使用他们的关键词!"


Bachelor of 艺术s in 沟通


西雅图 Pacific University, 西雅图,华盛顿州.

  • 辅修工商管理|总绩点:3.75.


20XX年2月- 5月


  • Studied Senegalese arts 和 Wolof language, while living 和 successfully building relationships 与 local host family (所有 daily activities 和 coursework in French).
  • 完成为期两周的修道院里生活的独立研究, including 30-page report 和 presentation.


西雅图周刊, 西雅图,华盛顿州.



  • 与数字编辑合作制作每月的数字产品 content calendar 为 major weekly 西雅图 体育赛事竞猜app文化类刊物(主要受众年龄22-40岁).
  • 评论网站 分析 与编辑周刊一起,探索提高参与度的策略.
  • 头脑风暴 与每周6人的数字团队一起制定战略 relatable, inspiring content 五大联赛竞猜app 西雅图 life, particularly focused on 千禧一代.
  • 编辑 site 独立 为 one week, 编辑 和 uploading articles 为 6 writers, composing headlines to SEO st和ards, managing social media (Twitter & Instagram).
  • 为《五大联赛竞猜app》撰写3-4篇体育赛事竞猜app、艺术和文化文章.com each week, meeting 所有 deadlines. 艺术icles get average of 1,800 unique 页面浏览量 每周.

The Falcon: 西雅图 Pacific University’s Independent Student Newspaper, 西雅图,华盛顿州.


September 20XX-present

  • 管理 团队 of 18 writers 为 bi-weekly 数字 大学报纸,指导他们写作 迷人,平易、清晰 content 为 student body, meeting 所有 deadlines.
  • Examine site 和 social media 分析 与 staff weekly, developing content strategies to increase 参与ment 和 retention; have increased readership 15% during editorship.
  • Host bi-monthly 30-minute podcasts 五大联赛竞猜app major local issues affecting students.


September 20XX-6月20日xx

  • 管理d news staff 和 edited 迷人,平易 articles bi-weekly 为 3-5 writers.


M.E.Ch.A at 西雅图 Pacific University, 副总裁, 西雅图,华盛顿州.

September 20XX-present

  • 管理d activities 为 club promoting awareness 和 involvement in Spanish 和 Latino community 和 culture.

雷尼尔青年营, 青少年顾问, 西雅图,华盛顿州.


Is your résumé too short?

  • Consider adding Project Work: Have you taken courses in which you worked in a 团队 to provide a presentation or other deliverable at the end, 这和你申请的职位有关? Give yourself an appropriate title (e.g., 项目经理、数据分析师或首席设计师) 和 list what you did in bullet points. The organization is SPU. This can be included in your 相关工作经验 section!
  • Consider adding Relevant Coursework: What courses have you taken th在一个re relevant to the position you’re applying 为? 考虑在你的邮件底部添加一个列表 教育 section.

Is your résumé too long?

  • 缩短你的联系方式,加上你的电话号码, 电子邮件, 和/or LinkedIn URL 所有 on one line. Separate content 与 tabs or | lines.
  • 检查格式,缩小页边距(1/2英寸). Avoid “orphans” 和 “widows,” where a single word takes up an entire line. 使用“+”表示“超过”,如200+客户.
  • Leave off bullet descriptions 为 your Additional Experience section to devote the most attention to your Related Experience section
  • 如果你有 志愿者的经历 section, 它可能只是列出你参与的机构或团体, 与out bulleted descriptions of your work. Long lists of agencies may be broken into even columns, tabbed apart, so that six lines become three.